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Sensual shoot packages

Courtesan and Model shoot packages

Full copyright transfer contract included





- 2-hour photoshoot

- Up to 3 outfit changes

- Posing guidance

- Optional blurred/pixelated/shadowed editing for anonymous shots

- 6 fully retouched edits in social media and full resolution size

- Client contract for full copyright transfer 

*Excludes location & small travel cost if applicable





- 3-hour photoshoot

- Up to 5 outfit changes

- Posing guidance

- Optional blurred/pixelated/shadowed editing for anonymous shots

- 12 Fully retouched edits in social media & full resolution size

- Client contract for full copyright transfer 

*Excludes location & small travel cost if applicable






- 4 -hour photoshoot

- Up to 8 outfit changes

- Posing guidance

- Optional blurred/pixelated/shadowed editing for anonymous shots

- 16 Fully retouched edits in social media & full resolution size

- Client contract for full copyright transfer 

*Excludes location & small travel cost if applicable






- 5-hour photoshoot

- Unlimited outfit changes

- Posing guidance

- Optional blurred/pixelated/shadowed editing for anonymous shots

- 20 fully retouched edits in social media and full resolution size

- Client contract for full copyright transfer 

*Excludes location & small travel cost if applicable


Platinum Black



- Up to 2 x 6 hour shoots based over 48-hour period

- Unlimited outfit changes

- Posing guidance

- Optional blurred/pixelated/shadowed editing for anonymous shots

- Can be mix of outdoor location beauty spots & Indoor

- Option for day and night photography

- Option for epic composite edits (as pictured)

- 30 fully retouched edits in social media & full resolution size

- Client contract for full copyright transfer 

*Excludes location, travel and overnight costs. 

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European/International shoots

Fly me to you

Please note
Only applicable on Diamond and Platinum Black packages.
Travel and any overnight costs to be added.
Please contact me for quotes or any enquiries for "Fly me to you" shoots.

'Shoot with Friends' discounts apply.
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* Location options


 (A) - Can be your own booked hotel or location with no added costs on an agreed date.


 (B) - A studio booked by you or me with added costs, on a date of your choice.


(C) - Come and shoot with me at luxury Air BnB's while I am on one of many photographic tours throughout the year which will be on specific dates with reduced added location costs. Keep an eye on my upcoming tours section or enquire if I will be heading your way soon.


(D) - Shoot at my home studio based in the South West with no added location costs on a mutually agreed date.

'Shoot with Friends' discounts:

Just add the the times below to your selected shoot package

Shoot alongside one friend - Each save 10% on package price (+1 hr to package time
Shoot alongside two friends - Each save 15% on package price (+ 90 min to package time)
Shoot alongside three friends - Each save 20% on package price ( + 2 hr to package time)



Extra images

Need extra images from your shoot?

              Prices are as follows:

1 to 5 - £16.00 each


5 to 10 - £15.00 each


10 +     - £14.00 each


In the event of a Cancelled photoshoot, JBlack Photographic requires written notification no less than 3 days prior to your shoot date. This can be the only method of cancellation I can accept.

All deposits are non refundable unless JBlack Photographic has to cancel any photoshoot. 

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